The Coffee Culture in the USA
In the United States, coffee is a cultural obsession. Brands with hundreds of locations, such as Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks, dominates daily urban life in the United States. Millions of white frothy cups with strongly stamped pink and orange labels bob around the streets during peak rush hour and on the train, especially in the morning (In the United States, 90% of coffee is consumed in the morning). Coffee drive-ins are a lifeline for the rushing horde of heavily armored and inked construction workers. During their lunch hour, women and men in sharp business suits go to coffee cafes. Students can relax on plush couches at coffee shops near campus from early afternoon to late at night. While monitoring roadbuilding sites on the highway, police officers grip coffee cups. In brief, coffee lovers can be found almost any place in the United States. This mass-psychotic habit makes Americans identify Europe, above all, with automobiles that don't have cup holders (to an A...